Rewriting the Rules of Adversity

podcast Oct 13, 2023


Where did the “actually, I can” approach to life begin for Nika? Her husband joins her and explains that her journey with cancer transformed her, and he shares (as only a husband can) that the elements were already inside her and it was extraordinary to see and experience firsthand.

As Nika explains, all the rules are made up so why not write your own? You can do what Nika has done, and that’s what they cover on this episode.

They go back to 2019 and Nika shares how great life was for her at the time. She felt great and her family was well, and her business was successful. Always an optimist, Nika believed being positive in all situations was key to her good life. She embraced challenges the same way. What can I take from this and how can I turn this into something that will make life better was her approach when things didn’t go as planned.

“What can I focus on that’s good about this (supposedly) negative situation?” – Nika Stewart

Then, she was diagnosed with cancer. Her first reaction was curiosity and adventure which she acknowledges sounds a bit crazy. There was also a sense of urgency and Nika knew that she had to get into action. She was determined and became her own advocate for getting the tests and treatment she knew she needed.

This is where Nika chose to rewrite the rules which led to her positive outcome.

Hear what’s considered “normal” in this situation, and what Nika did instead. She reminds us that this is a choice. You don’t have to do what’s expected. Instead, you can choose to flow with the situation.

Nika decided to embrace instead of accepting the effects of chemotherapy. She focused on the joy. Yes, the joy of chemo! She attributes this approach to the positive attitude she was able to maintain.

The assumption that anything is negative is made up. Nika’s approach; focusing on the good is what works for her. She also took a long-term view and now considers her diagnosis and treatment a positive part of her journey.

Great things continue to come out of this experience. She’s garnered millions of views on her YouTube channel, hundreds of thousands of followers, and she’s gotten to do lots of unexpected things like throwing out the first pitch at a charity softball game.

What matters most to Nika? The comments from others who shared that they felt better after seeing her video or how much hearing her story helped them deal with their own challenges.

This experience showed Nika that you really can create positivity in your life. She now lives it, and continues to embrace the “actually, I can” attitude.

You can too! You don’t have to follow anyone else’s path. All the rules are made up so why not create your own? 

{LISTEN on Apple Podcasts}

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